A 360 degree view of your whole portfolio.

Our solutions are designed to assist you and your portfolio companies in your sustainability journey.

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Discover your benefits:

Up to 80% cost reduction
Our solutions help save costs compared to a manual data management option.
Up to 5X faster
Optimize your efficiency with our reporting automation.
Enable your entire portfolio
Our solutions have a great track-record of enablement for performance.

ESG Due Diligence Risk Assessment

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ESG scoring in 30 minutes per company

Invite Portfolio Companies with one simple link. PortCos take the standard assessment in 30 minutes. ESG topics are based on international standards (GRI, SASB, etc). Results help discover material ESG risks in the DD phase.

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Benchmark performance across companies

After a company submitted their assessment, the results can be benchmarked against other PortCos across different ESG categories.

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Export results

Easily download PDF reports to be used during the deal flow process. Include your comments in the export, or export the raw data for further analysis. This is a pay-per-use model.

SFDR Fund Setup

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Fund policy setup according to SFDR

Get guidance on environmental and social characteristics setting, including metric and
KPI selection.

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Fund policy setup for Art. 8+ and 9 SFDR

Receive guidance for environmental and social characteristics setting including Metric and KPI selection, as well as for Principal Adverse Impacts (PAIs) indicator selection.

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Guided development of fund disclosure documentation

Save time and legal fees with customizable templates. Export is ready to publish.

SFDR Compliance

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Save time and legal fees with automation

Get SFDR fund setup support including fund policy (SFDR Art. 6, 8, 8+ or 9) definition. Get guidance on environmental and social characteristics setting including metric and KPI selection, plus Principal Adverse Impacts (PAIs) indicator selection and a highly automated pre-contractual disclosure for export.

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Disclose effortlessly

Our system gives you automated website and periodic disclosures which you can easily export as word document or pdf.

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Meet investor demands

Our system supports the development of Limited Partner Agreement (LPA), Investor Due Diligence Questionnaire (DDQ), LP Term sheet and LP Reporting.

Fund Portfolio Management

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ESG scoring in 30 minutes per company

PortCos take assessment and receive an ESG score in 30min (per company), with transparency on concrete ESG measures. Report can be used for  due diligence and progress tracking. Efficient data collection from PortCos and automatic consolidation at fund level. Satisfy all reporting needs with self-defined or standard KPI sets.

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Comply with major regulations

Save time with automated, polished exports (PDF or CSV) at fund & company level, and comply with regulations like SFDR  as well as international standards like the IMP or IRIS+.

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Support your portfolio companies in driving sustainability performance

Benchmark the performance of each company. Optimize sustainability performance with more and more automatic guidance. Regular webinars for portfolio companies. Tap into expert support with >30 years of in-house sustainability expertise.

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